2. What is your current favorite TV show? Since it's summer I would have to say it's a tie between So You Think You Can Dance and Big Brother. I love that Big Bro is on 3x a week because there is nothing else to watch! My DVR is literally empty right now! Thank goodness for On Demand!
Seriously though, watch this, Skip to 1 minute in. It's a religious experience!
3. Which reality show would you NEVER do? Survivor. I just could not handle it. Can I bring snacks and sunscreen as my luxury item? Also, any dating reality show. I'm so glad that period of my life is over lol.

4. Which reality show would you LOVE to do? Amazing Race or Big Brother
5. What is the TV personality/character that you feel is most like you? Hmmm this is a tough one! I don't know if anyone on TV is very much like me?!
6. Which TV character would you want to date? I'm all set in the dating department thank you ;)

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